Wednesday, 23 July 2014

How You Can block the Different E-male ID

Most of the people can communicate through the internet and they can make the different type of the id there are a lot of search engine which they can provide the different type of the Email id the most popular search engine is the yahoo, hotmail, Gmail and some other engine which give the id and they can use it.  When the people make this id and they can make the different type of other id which is the face book id, Skype id, hi5 id and some other type of id which they can use it. Some people can access it illegally and then you will use the proxy for this purpose and no one can easily access your site if you have no enough money than you can use the free proxy server site. It can be protect your site from the other people.

Some organization can not want to use the face book or other social network in Pakistan the you tube is blocked and in china the you tube and the facbeook and the twitter is blocked so if there are the social network is blocked than you will be used the unblocked YouTube proxy that you can easily use the you tube in your country or in organization. For this purpose we can use the face book proxy or the you tube proxy for the blocked website which are very good for the people and they can be easily used it. 

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